A severe case of apathy seems to have engulfed me. The only thing I really care about is getting through with Summer so I can make myself home. I miss Karachi too much. I miss the people, the places, the things, the comforts, the sense of being home. This pseudo-nomadic life ash finally gotten to me. The sense of diaspora is finally coming alive inside. I've realized that my entire life revolves around Karachi despite having lived a significant period in Lahore now. After a few months of running away from the restrictions of home by not going back during the week-long breaks, I've spent all of last week wanting nothing more than to go home and play with Ramis. All I want to do is go home and meet up with all the people who are in Karachi. There's so much to say, so much to tell and so very much to ask. There's huge messes to sort out; and some huge messes to create. There's also a small matter of a fling that need to be looked into ;)

One more month.

1 comment:

sashonie said...

itll be soon, i promise...
i know exactly what you mean...
but while you can, fling away! ;)