St.Patrick's Highschool, Metric Section Building, 1984

For those of you who know what this building and the surroundings look like now, here's something you'll love.

Those who dont know, this is the Metric Section building of St. Patrick's Highschool from 1984. It now has one extra floor on top. There's another building to the left corner of this picture now, rising a floor higher than this building. Yet another building is at right-angles to this one, again on the left, which didn't exist at this time and was put up about 5 years later. The ground was poured with concrete evenutally and is now covered with tar instead. The latest addition to this scenario is a shaft being constructed to the left of the buidling's entrance for an elevator. Interestingly, The trees in front of the building are the same. The bell smack in the centre of the first floor is also still there.

I will soon be seeing this building twice a week when I go to school. This time, there's no grey uniform for me. =)


decaf said...

You have to go to work twice a week? Shit man, you could teach at three different schools . . . . but that's a bit too much like Rayer, isn't it? :D Best of luck!

Ent said...

my god. i barely recognized the building.

you're teaching?
to whom?

Saad said...

Hmm... So theres no playground now. I hope you are one of the cool teachers. You know like the ones who give lots of naptimes. hehe. Kind of like Jack Black. Take a guitar with you! hehe

Saad F'akhtar said...

decaf: i'm looking for other places to teach. rayer only teaches in the one place now.

elf: i'm teaching socio a'levels at pats.

chotay saad: there's more than enough playgrounds trust me! this is st.pats. all we ahve is playgrounds! and i'll be cool dont worry =)

Reeny said...

Saad G., he's MORE than JUST a cool teacher. He's the HOT SOCIO TEACHER who hasn't even started teaching yet! Girls [St. Pat's ki maili girls Saad A. likes to call them]are dying over him left right and center! He's DA MAN! :P

Aren't you, dear mamoon? I'm so proud of you! You're living up to the family name! *tear*

Nabeel said...

I went to St Patricks dude .. dang .. I was scrolling down and then i saw this (the secondary building) .. and i was like this look familiar ..

thanks for posting the pics mate !