So The Brother is gone. And there's a jinn in my room. Most people think it's a girl jinn. The wallclock in myroom fell off at 1.00 in the night all by itself. The nail it was on is still in place. The little hanging-thingum in the back of the clock is fine. The clock crashed onto the ancient, amma-kay-jahez-ka sofa underneath and broke on the wooden back of the sofa. Happened the night after Taha left. Mighty suspicious!

The job starts tomorrow. Most nervous about that. My Yahoo! horoscope has the following to say:

Quickie: This is a very touchy situation -- so play it safe and mind your own business.
Overview: Tread lightly around a certain boss type. Even if he or she isn't literally your boss, they could cause you some hassles if they feel irked. Right now, your best defense is to lie low and wait this time out.

Daily work (by
Your immediate supervisor (or your most important client) will make their displeasure known, but it will soon blow over. It's just a periodic assertion of control and can safely be dismissed soon enough.

Daily flirt (by
Keep your opinions to yourself right now. Not because other people couldn't use your guidance (they definitely could), but because they won't take the advice in the spirit it's given.

Could it possibly be any worse?


Photographer said...

Best of luck boy !
You'll be great. I have faith in you.


Xeb said...

Good Luck darling! :)
Since this is first step towards what you want to go forever and ever (or a very long time anyway) I think its a huge moment!
Its like baby boidy leaving nest... quite the sentimental moment no?
Let me know how goes it! :)

Reeny said...

You said you'd post about your day...

Are you serious about the jinn?