So The Brother snores. It's possibly his clogged up nasal passages but he motors mightily along at night like a poorly-oiled, too old engine. Twice I'm sure he woke himself up from deep slumber with the rumbling of his own internals. He'd stop mid-snore and take an uncomfortable pause before snuggling further into the monstrosity that is his razai and resuming the put-putting.

During the course of the night I was able to clearly distinguish three separate and distinct kinds of snores, each with an identity and persona of its own.

There's the typical motor-bike snore: each breath laced with the perfectlty tuned rumble. The up-take equal to each exhale provides the flawless balance that is the hallmark of a pure-blend snore.

There's a modified version of this motor-bike snore where the exhale is shortened and end abruptly. It reminds me more of a ricksha desperately in need of an engine tuning. Each snore ends in a muted backfire.

FInally, there's the growling lioness. This ferocious, guttural rumble is a constant, threatening reminder of the Animal Planet documentaries showing poor, miserable wildbeast being torn apart by a herd of lions. This is the one that kept me awake all night in fear of my own rump being bitten off. ("What's a little bite on the butt between friends?")

One of the bakras is gay. Dammit!


atrophying said...

how do you know its gay?!

decaf said...

oye, meray roomie kee buriayan nahee karo! But oh well, he's your brother, so you'd know better :)