So it's that time of the century again!

According to the Chinese Zodiac, I'm a Water Dog. It's the Year of the Dog again as of last week. This year though the element is Fire. For those of you who don't know, the signs of the Chinese Zodiac are spaced out over 12 years rather than the 12 months most of us are accustomed to. The next Year of the Dog with Water as the element--remember the previous one was in 1982--will now fall in 2042. I'll then be 60 years old. All of you will also be 60 when your Zodiac/Element combination is repeated.

"Dog people are loyal and honest and obedient. They can be counted on to keep secrets and for always doing the right thing. They can be emotionally distant and do not mix well in social gatherings where they are often seen as wallflowers. They do better with one-on-one relationships and find happiness in the happiness they bring to others, such as finding the most perfect gifts for their friends. While it is true that they have sharp tongues and are a bit stubborn and eccentric, in a work situation they tend to work very well with other people. What is more, they always seem to have money and make excellent leaders. Because of their high moral stance, they are inspiring beyond measure.

Water Dogs are real charmers, easily attracting friends and colleagues into their inner circle. Handling the ins and outs of human relations is so easy for them! They know how to smooth over any personal situation with their kind, honest, easy-going nature. Always empathetic, always rational, their ability to play Devil's Advocate helps open up whole new ways of approaching problems and finding solutions. Their views on life are expansive because of an ingrained wanderlust which has taken and will continue to take them to exotic locales about the globe. They adapt like chameleons to new environments and new people and their lives are all-encompassing, full of rich adventure. Financial and career success comes to the Water Dogs later in life -- just watch these late bloomers burst open! Regarding their love life, when it comes to dating and romance, their temperature ranges from hot to cold, from one extreme to another. Sometimes they want a commitment, other times they run Geronimo. But, when true love finally comes, and it will, they have it made. Their relationships are filled with good honest communication and genuine kindness and total caring for their partner. Marriage will be as firm as the Rock of Gibraltar."



Saad said...

Tiger! this does correspond to you pretty well.. tough ive known you to mix with groups pretty well... anyawy, whats my year? 31st dec

Zunaster said...

I was once obsessed with astrology. Now the obsession is over.
So I happen to be a student of St. Pats. I visited your blog ages ago ( yes I love reading random blogs) through Zainab's blog. I saw your picture in Zainab's blog. No I am not stalking you :)
Okay since you graduated from LUMS, I wanted to ask few things regarding admissions.

sam said...

I'm a fire horse and bored enough to impart this particular bit of info on random strangers ;)