Today I bitched about a co-worker with another co-worker. We snickered at each other behind our respective newspapers. We shared knowing glances. That my co-conspirator was 55 years old didn't matter. That our poor victim was similar in years didn't either. I'm hanging out with people literally more than twice my age. This is not good for the social life I tell you!


Bia said...

its surprising how sometimes u can develop commonalities between people that seem so different...and who ever said u have to socialise with ppl exactly like u, wheres the fun in that!

Reeny said...


I don't wanna grow up. You didn't have to either.

Read before use said...

you gonna be a wisw man

Read before use said...


Saad said...

hahaha... wwaisay im pretty sure youve had any problem doing that too... youd get on with everyone... and yeah youd would get wise .. so thumbs up tiger! Go get some Victories! :o

Chrysalis said...

This then is my blog. Sorry for the bumps but everyone was warned :P