I want some simplicity in life.

I want to know when I'm in love. I want to have a big neon sign flashing, telling me I'm in love, pointing to the object of my affection. That would be convenient

I want to know where my career is going to go. A step-by-step route-map of the things I need to do to get to where I want would be very nice, thank you.

I want to know what country I will travel to, at which point in life. An itinerary of life would come in handy.

I want to know when I will die. Or maybe I don't. But it would be nice if my family knew beforehand. Help them come to terms with it. Maybe.


Reeny said...
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Reeny said...

But you're already in love. So you don't need a big flashing neon sign

maryam said...
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Xeb said...

I want all of that too. A neon sign would help me avoid idiotic mistakes.

A route map would help me decide on the quickest way there. There'd be no need to agonize about what is to be done now.

I don't want an itinerary of life, mostly because there needs to be some surprises. But I want to know where home will be. Mostly so that I can buy clothes (and other things) accordingly.

I want to know when I will die. But more importantly, I think I want to remind myself every single day that I will die. Just so that in the meantime I don't forget to live.