Saad: i love cursing in urdu
gulmeenay: why cha-li ow?
Saad: it's so beautifully vulgar
gulmeenay: it really is
its creepier in hindi
Saad: there's nothing better than really truly abusing in urdu
gulmeenay: haram Jaadi
Saad: and i dont mean galian....i mean being totally potty-mouthed
no no
it's not creepy in's just wrong
gulmeenay: hehe
i love urdu
urdu is sucha great language
Saad: they take a gorgeous language and turn it into dyslexic word-salad
gulmeenay: truly versatile also
Saad: you can be the most polite AND the most vulgar person in urdu
at the same time!!!!
gulmeenay: yeah i know its just about how you say it
Saad: urdu is "delightfully crass"
that's my favorite way of describing the urdu language
gulmeenay: can be!
Saad: punjabi is comfortably crass
pashtu is gratingly crass
farsi is rhythmically crass
gulmeenay: yeah pushto is like rocks in a box
hai farsi
Saad: english is just a crass language....
without any distinct character
gulmeenay: nothing is worse than being just something haina
i'm a stupendous failure in life is what i am
Saad: better being a stupendous failure than just a failure :P

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