Sometimes I confuse you for me. You think like me, you totally get me, you never judge, yet you have strong likes and dislikes. If you weren't in another body I'd really assume you were me.

But then I see all the little differences, the nuances that make you better than me. I see your intelligence, your dedication and your single-mindedness. I see your passion that's hidden from everyone else. I see the sense of humour, the laughter, the enjoyment of life. Sometimes I envy it all.

We plan to grow old together. I want to have my head in your lap while I read, your fingers running through my hair. I want to hold you in my arms and watch the rain. I want to hold your hand while we walk, always. I want to be lying next to you when I'm wrinkled, bald and eighty.

I love you beyond all my senses and my own comprehension.

You're my personal, private Toddler Maker! =D

Happy Birthday, Hadia.

1 comment:

Reeny said...

get a room!

and also, Happy Birthday, Hadiaaa!! =)