Two-day weekend. =)

Makes me glad not to be working on a Saturday anymore. In celebration, I spent all day Saturday at home, sleeping. I'd like to apologize to all the people I stood up due to the laziness but staying in bed but I was too busy being lazy.

Last night was good. Yogi's PS2 is still lying at my place as a reminder. Gandhi, you left your Gold Leaf. Z and Yogi played endless wrestling. Any and all readers of this blog have an open invite to my place for whenever they want. Bring your own entertainment and food.

Right now, in my room you'll find 2 TVs, a PC, a laptop when I'm home, phone, books all over the place, music CDs, game CDs and yet more CDs, clean clothes tossed around, dirty clothes neatly located in a corner and a bed with more mattresses than space for people. Outside the room are remnants of the rain--sheets blocking a doorway from leaking in water, clothes line with laundry from last week, curtains on the big window rolled up to one side to prevent them from getting wet.

I'm living in a mess. But it's a mess I like and, above all else, it's MY mess. The privacy that I've become so accustomed to is mine upstairs. I may not have all of what I need, but I have most of it.

Life is good.

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