Ali H left a comment on my post about the Camaro which got me thinking. He finds faults in the Camaro, tells me what's wrong with it and what car would be better depending on what I want in a car.

Ali, what car do I get if what I want in the car is that it's a Camaro '69? Which car would you suggest to fulfill that need?

It's like telling me I can no longer watch Transformers, The Movie because it's lame, with poor animation and a crap story-line. That the dialogue is flimsy and could only be appreciated when you didn't know better. And that the story was actually copied off a Japanese anime. But now that you have other options, even if you want to watch Transformers, you should watch something else.

Cricket is a boring sport. It's slow, filled with too many rules and requires too much skill to be globally popular. How about we chuck it out for footie then? Let's stop playing and watching cricket because we should watch and play a sport that's a 'better' choice.

Why is it that when it comes to certain things--cars, clothes--people just need to be practical and sensible. Why can't I want something unsensible and stupid simply because I want it? Some of you will point to me and tell me I'm the Great Dame of Sensibility. You obviously don't know me well enough then, so shut the fuck up! The best way to really, truky enjoy life is to allow the crazed, maniacal child inside you to escape occasionally. Learn to do that often enough without seeming completely insane to those around you and you'll realise you're a much nicer person to be around--as long as the child inside you isn't a bratty asshole!

I know there are certain things in everyone's life that you just want to be childish around. It's the only way to truly savour certain things in life.

So, Ali and everyone else who's too practical for your own good, find that certain something, see how much you enjoy nt being practical with it and replicate that same behaviour for as many things in your life as you can. I say it's the only way to come to the end of your life and say, "I've lived."

1 comment:

Ali Hasanain said...

You've taken something I said out of context and taken it to its illogical conclusion: I said those other cars are better, and I meant they're (supposed to be) better to drive or whatever. I didn't say you shouldn't even think about the Camaro. If you want it, you want it. Heck I'm the guy who'll defend the 599 Fiorano to the hilt even though I think it's butt-ugly and the LP640 is one of the most wildly hot cars ever. I'll never buy an automatic even if its more convenient and easier to buy in the US, simply because I can't bear not having a manual. I'll tell you a BMW is better than an Audi even when the RS4 kicks the M3s ass. Hell I'm the guy who dressed up as a Ferrari and wore it to class for color week because I thought it'd be kinda cool.

But leave that aside for a minute. I'm mostly practical, yes, even when we're talking about cars and clothes. I take pride in picking out what I think is the intelligent choice, be it a Subaru Legacy or a Volvo V70. That's my idea of fun, and I can tell you, I love it. I also think its ridiculous to defend being childish most of the time.

Bottom line: Before you proselytize to me about how to have fun, learn the lesson that got us here in the first place: people have fun in different ways.