When you've known someone well enough to know their secrets and understand their fears and insecurities, when you've known them long enough to know their life and their stories, it's a bit odd meeting them for the first time. Odd, but strangely comfortable.

I've known her 5 years now, 5 years in november. The first time we talked, I was a freshman at college and she was a 16-year-old kid. I spent the first hour of knowing her trying to convince her I wasn't her little cousin and the next few weeks getting to know a girl with an intensely scary life and issues that, for once, I couldn't even grasp. We got closer, she annointed me her brother, we talked, shared and became more than just friends. And then, like all people who have never met, we drifted.

I kept asking her to meet me, she kept refusing because she couldn't risk being seen with a guy in Lahore. Things changed though, as they alwasy do, but we still didn't meet. And all this while we drifted further and further. No more talking online, no more regular emails or phone calls.

The she came to Karachi. Eventually, I came back t Karachi. We still didn't talk much till she figured out she had MSN on her phone! =P

She's prettier than I expected. Taller too. And more mature. It just didn't feel like the first time we were meeting. From the minute she walked up me we were laughing and cracking jokes and being ourselves without being uncomfortable or edgy. It's the kind of connection that you rarely find with people. BUt I guess when you've known someone for that long and knwon them that well then it makes sense.

So now I've resolved to keep her close. I've resolved to make sure she has some fun in life, at least while she's in Karachi. I want to keep meeting her and hanging out.

The only odd thing y'day was that for after an incredibly long time I was with a very pretty girl and there was no weird sexual tension because I just didn't care what she looked like. That's something I've missed.

I love you, child. We shall meet soon! =)

1 comment:

Reeny said...

hmm... ?