As of Monday, I'm working two jobs. Both are enough to be full-time jobs for some people. The teaching is coming along well. Rayer wants me to stay at Pats so he's been ultra-nice. The staff are a pleasure to sit around with. The crack jokes constantly and make fun of each other like it's nobody's business. All of them are so incredibly sweet to me. I'm the baby of the bunch. I'm their little pet!

The other job is at Newsline magazine. The Feb issue is due out in a bit and the work is about to get hectic, apparently. For now though, since I've only just started and am not thankfully being plunged into the deep end of this journalistic venture, I've only had to edit and proof an article, a book review and an interview. The last two paras in a particular review were added by yours truly, on the insistance of one of the assistant editors, to give it some substance. Though I don't yet know what my job title is or what precisely I'm supposed to be doing, it's a small enough unit for everyone to be involved with everything. I'll probably be made to do everything from writing to editing to proofing to lay-outs (possibly); or so one of the Senior Editors has told me.

For me, not knowing exactly what my business within a particular setup is is the worst possible way to work. I need to undrstand my job very clearly and then, though it can be modified or changed later, I'll be at peace with the task at hand. We'll see how things work out I guess.

Faras is also at Newsline for the next couple of days. I'd forgotten how much of a blast it is being around him. Been ages!

Humna and Hafsa, fantastic meeting you guys!

Since I'm at work from 8.00 in the morning to 7.00 at night, I won't be blogging much fo rthe next few days. Sometime next month I hope to be able to buy my own PC and then I'll be online all night. Till then you'll see me sparringly.

Wish me luck in this attempt at suicide from exhaustive over-work!


Reeny said...

I miss you.

Niqabi said...

ermm...i have this question please. Do you teach sociology? And...are yew a guy? I apologise for my insanely inappropriate questions but jst HAD to ask them :)