I know I'm late but whateverthehell!

Everyone’s greeted this New Year in their own unique way. I talked to those who’re thanking the previous year and wishing the next be just as good. I’ve encountered those who’re dreading the new one for the same reason—something to do with a guy called Murphy. Then there’s those who’re just glad for the change of dates because ’05 left a lot to be desired.

Most people I know partied in the New Year. Some were ‘shadi-ing’ away with wild abandon while others left the old year behind on a dance floor. Some sat at home finding pleasure in their own company.

Most people I know, despite being thoroughly disenchanted with life as a rule, tend to have some New Year Resolutions. I’m proud to say I’ve kept mine from last year as best possible. I’ve lived my life the way I’ve seen fit. I’ve been brutally honest about most things in life. I’ve been the person I’ve wanted myself to be for a very long time. I’ve read much more, gotten life back on a track I like—despite the hiccups—and generally been happier. I made a request of Chronos at the dawn of 2005. It has been fulfilled. It is most appreciated.

For 2006, I want to read yet more—from two books a month last year to 4-a-month this year—get into the best shape of my life, look good and feel even better. I want to be there for friends who need me. I want to be there for family, always.

I did something momentous last year. I got me a cellular phone.
This year I drive! =P

Good-bye 2005. Thank you.
Welcome 2006. Be nice.


Stray Angel said...

I've never made a new year's resolution..like never ever ever. Is that weird?

Stray Angel said...

I just think you can decide to do something at any point in life and you don't need a date for it. I thought about making a new year's resolution this year but then I was like..naah. I already know what I have to do if I would just do it and the new year isn't going make a difference. Plus if I'm honest, I'm not really that much of a planner anyways..I just tend to live from day to day. Resolutions seem mighty restrictive to me for some reason.