Since the time of my last post, my blog has been discovered by my cousin, I have completed my first week at my second job, I've missed out on an interesting opportunity to party and I have some idea of the amount of money I'll be earning from next month onwards. That last bit is still not a definite figure and I don't think it ever will be. But having some idea is better than not knowing at all. As far as The Cousin discovering my blog is concerned, he was Googling away trying to find out if his name was on the Internet. That's a rather goofy and nerdy thing to do (but if you're reading this, Dear Cousin, I mean it in the nicest way!)

The jobs go well. I've decided I'm going to concentrate for the next few weeks on salvaging the A-2 students before I go onto attempting the same with the first years. The A-2s need more work anyway. So I gave the poor A-1 kids the class off on Thursday.

Dinner at Mamoo's yesterday made me miss a possibly fun time with friends. Some other time, I guess.

The last 3 weeks I've been travelling all over the city. I've been in cars, rikshas, buses and obviously made copious use of my own god-given mode of transport. The one thing I love to do while travelling around anywhere is observing the life around me. Since there's not much poondi-wise in Karachi, I concentrate more on the places than the faces. There was one face I noticed though.

I'd gotten on a bus on my way to work in the afternoon and had been standing waiting for a seat to empty out. When it finally did happen, I palced my arse on the seat and proceeded to dose through the rest of the 30-minute ride. in my head were dreams that can come only when you're surrounded by stinky men in an over-stuffed bus. My reverie was interrupted by the sight o fthe most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen in my entire life. Now, I've seen some eyes. I've seen all sorts. There's the dazzlingly bright and shiny ones--the ones that just make you smile. There's the deep, soulful ones--they make you want to just keep staring. There's the twinkle and the devil in some. There's color and depth and passion and emotion; eyes just say so much.

These eyes had all of it. There wasn't just one particular quality; there was everything. The colour so dark that it could have been black, the intensity just drawing you in. I gravitated towards them . There's just no other way of expresing it.

For the first time in my life, I say spell-binding eyes.

An eternity passed before I could tear myself away from those eyes and absorb the face that held them. I was smitten. Normally, after having encountered beautiful eyes, gorgeous hair, flawless skin, mind-blowing voice or any other such quality in a person, the rest of them is a let-down. I found myself staring at the most innocently stunning features I have seen in a very long time. That it was the face of a girl no older than eight registered a moment later. Perfectly flawless features. The only thing wrong with her was the dirty-brown hair, unwashed for eternity, tied up in two messy pigtails. But even that hair would have been perfect if well-kept.

After pulling myself off this angelic vision, I tried to figure out who this little cherub belonged to. Turns out she's the daughter of a ruggedly handsome bus driver, who'd brought her along for the ride for some reason. Easily visible were some of her father's features in her face. And to round off the perfection, just under her left cheek, placed strategically on her jaw just to the left of her chin, was a mark as if from birth, just enough to off-set the divine beauty and protect it from The Evil Eye.

Was my Eye it?



zaza said...

wow ur a teacher??
im currently on an undergrad QTA course in england..
where are you teaching?

Zunaster said...

Hello Saad, welcome to St. Pats.

Zunaster said...

:) ( to give a warm touch ;))

bt said...

: ) eyes have to be it.

just checked your blog to find your whereabouts. miss seeing you around here and exchanging a pointless item or two. : )

and i also plan to teach a'levels, btw. so, pretty soon, karachi will have two ss majors from lums teaching a'levels. i have already started work at the princeton review here.
