Party night with Faras and a couple of his boys. Good fun. Bad hangover though. Still not feeling very good. Net's been screwey and I haven't had the time to be online much. Will get back to this when I feel more inclined to it.

St.Patrick's All Pakistan Declamation Contest 2006 went off without a major hitch. Good job kids!

I need a raise.


Zunaster said...

Hey :)
Nahi, I guess I have most of my queries solved . I will go to Isaani and get hold of prospectus of LUMS. LUMS admission policy is so misleading :s I am giving LBAT this March InshaAllah . I should score well there. LUMS ask for AVERAGE C grade in three subjects, I took biology (and no maths) in my Alevels , I am not sure if I have any fair chance getting in there. LUMS has cut offs? Although they ask for avg C grade but I have heard of people even with Avg C grade and good LBAT score don't get into .

Sapphire said...

i owe you an explanationnnnn. i was asleep the first time, with family the other, in the middle of an interview, with family again, out of battery then. stuff's bee crazy, will call soon. did the faggot from my school attend the debate? i registered for it and he went. faggot. hmph.

oh, answer the lums question bove me here. im giving the lbat too. yikes. kya hoga mera? ABC in A levels.

Saad F'akhtar said...

all good Saph. just call me sometime whenever you're farigh.

LBAT ka scene yeh hai kay you need to score about a 1900+ just like SAT. it's an alternative to SAT so it's pretty much the same thing.
also, saph is you nee help with Socio tu lemme know. my offer stands but you'll have to make the effort to hunt me down and make me help you out.

Xeb said...

A raise? Already? You owe me a treat! Then you can demand a raise!

Ps: I'm tired. I think I'm going to sleep for a week! :P

Saad said...

speaking of a a raise... did i tell you that ive started in the teaching business :)

Reeny said...

I miss you. Was sleeping when u msged.

Saad F'akhtar said...

xeb: i still haven't been paid yet. when i am, you'll be the first one treated. the raise is still just a thought.

saad: i read it on your blog. who's life are you destroying?!

reeny: all good. will talk later.

Reeny said...

sorry i had to run off today...

Saad said...

hahaha... hain du loag from choeifat. ameer aur faarigh... so its all cool :)