I'd planned a massively bitter diatribe on the Karachi utilities setup, or the lack thereof, as a response to the rain that's been lashing the city since Sunday afternoon. However, after a rethink of the circumstances while reading newspaper accounts of the devastation caused, and living through a 13 hour electrical break-down (which I've heard was one of the shortest in the city during the rains), I've decided to let be the disastrous situation. There's not much one can do when the heavens open up the way they did on Sunday.

That said, finger pointing will, and must, continue. Standing water on the roads in this city is a perennial problem that exists without divine involvement. With God's decision to bless us this weekend (with more downpours to come) that problem was compounded and multiplied. I.I.Chundrigar, the Wall Street of Pakistan, collapsed under the weight of a passing heavy vehicle. The reverberations of such an occurrence anywhere else would roll many a heads. Here, it will cause a stir in the news for two days at most.

There's apparently 12 feet of water standing in the recently (finally) completed KPT Underpass. As if electrical cables hanging from the roof and tiles falling off wasn't disgraceful enough for this massive project. Even that though will be forgiven in light of what happens to underpasses in Lahore every monsoon.

Houses flooded with water will dry out. Buildings destroyed will be rebuilt. Lives lost will be mourned for a while. Then this great city and its great people will forget. KESC will not fix its infratructure. CDGK will not fix anything at all. People will continue to live in houses that will be flooded every few years when Zeus decides to gather his clouds and pour out the water on the unsuspecting and ill-prepared populace of this city.

For now, I shall go enjoy the weather.

All Hail, Footie in the Rain!

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