One of my senior editors is comma-afflicted and fashion conscious. Another's goes ballistic on any article she might encounter on the occassions she's in office. The Chief Ed is caustic, volatile and tending towards bitchiness.

The Senior Reporter is articularly (I know that's not a real word) challenged. He sprays about "the" with the casual sense of a child with a paintbrush. Or one with a pen in a freshly painted house. It's always where it's not supposed to be and never where it should be. I edited an article he'd written yesterday. After rummaging through the first three pages of bad grammar, poor expression and randomly sprouting articles in print, I decided to chuck the draft and head to the ancient box that is the draft editing mac. The green-gated office only does mac. We don't do PC, thankyouverymuch.

The rain's been a pain coz poor, green-gated D-6 now lies at the lip of a great ocean. Mustafa's offered to drop me to the main road on his moturrsycul everyday since tuesday but wading through is fun even if it means getting the feet wet and squidgy. The orange walls are no longer orange enough. Or maybe I've just stopped noticing.

Check out last month's cover and cover story at Newsline. Also, if you can get your hands on the June issue, read a certain book review by yours truly to see why I'm doomed to Hell! =)

Random interesting thing of the day: Look up "Googolplex" and then check out this link.


Ayesha said...

mind boggling... or should i be saying mind googoling???
you have entirely too much time on your hands... so do i for that matter :S

Saad said...

i had something similar to say but ayesha said it already. but i have this to add... what are you doing wasting your time like this? you should be out swimming in the free pool man!!