What most women don't get about men is that the nice ones are terribly hard to dislike even if they are complete assholes to you on any given occasion. If you like them to begin with, no matter what they do and how much of a prick they are to you, they had their reasons and you will accept and understand those reasons if things were explained to you. Which in why, in situations where a genuinely nice guy has acted like a dick, please do not confront him. Chances are that any long drawn-out confrontation will test his limits and he will tell you his reasons for doing what he did. If he's genuinely nice (yes, they exist) he probably behaved the way he did to prevent you from falling falt on your face and hating yourself sometime in the future. If he were to continue warning you of the imminent fall, you wouldn't listen. He's tried. So, he resorts to more drastic measures. He does it because it will work and because it's his solution to the problem.

I get that women get a tad bit touchy about such situations, insisting that they are abel to make the decision for themselves and should be allowed to do so. Honey, you will decide that he's a nice guya nd you want to continue behaving the way you have already. He can't stand the way you're behaving which is why he's doing this in the first place. It's better for BOTH of you because otherwise he'd unilaterally dump your ass. At least this way he's giving you a reason to hate him more than that he broke off the relationship. He's the asshole. He's allowing you to hate him. Be glad.

What most men don't get about women is that each is different. You take it for granted that you'll have the same issues that you did with your last girfriend. You take it for granted that she can't deal with your issues and that she necessarily needs you around for hers. You take it for granted that if she wants you around then she can't be without you.

Women are complex, complicated creatures with a whole lot of issues. But their issues are really no worse than your own. They want a rich, good-looking, caring man just like you want a blonde, big-breasted hottie. They want commitment just like you want kinky sex. They want a balance between babies and career just like you want another woman for a threesome. Understand that and you're made.

However, as I said before, they're all different. The only thing common is they all like diamonds, flowers, ponies, puppies and rainbows. Other than that, the current fling (who's actually naming kids in her head) is nothing like the previous one (who actually had her whole live planned with you).

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