Today's going to be another bad day. It's just one of those days when you roll out of bed and realize that nothing's going they way it should be. The sun just doesn't come up the right side and there's this sordid feeling at the base of your neck that tells you that you're about to suffer through another crappy day.

Today is possibly bad because of the toad that's stuck down my throat and refuses to budget despite the most pathetic pleading and cajoling on my part. And while down there, he's busy scratching away at the walls of my throat making sure I can never be comfortable, or in enough pain to give me an excuse to take time off work!

I rolled out of bed yesterday. No, I mean literally rolled out. Dhup! (Which is the sound the human body makes on contact with a carpeted floor. The 'thud" is a gora lie!) On the floor, rolled out. I was trying to reach my phone about 3 feet away and just rolled, literally, off the bed. Odd thing is that all I could think of while I fell to my demise was that my nephew, sleeping next to me, shouldn't wake up. Strange what love does. For those amused by this anecdote of the fall of the Great Whore, this happened while I'd gotten into bed to catch a 30-minute nap!

The Brother (formerly of the blog) called me a Fuckhead last night. By SMS.

Edd7524. Saw this plate on a car today. Made me smile. I hate "Ed, Edd and Eddy."


Bia said...

sweetie, it sounds like uve had a bad week altogether. just relax on the weekend and forget about it, we all go through it once in a while!

Ayesha said...

i hate ed edd and eddy as well!