Been working constantly on the Blog Look. A touched-up blog for a new year. This used to be the "Minima Black Template", about the same one Ali has. I'm still looking for ideas and suggestions. Lemme know if you folks think of something interesting.

Eventually, when I'm satisfied with the way it looks, I'll pay more attention to the content. These days, my life is too satisfying in too many ways. Somehow, I can never blog when I'm happy. Watch for a bad mood in the side-bar to coincide with something meaningful appearing here. Strangely enough, it seems that most of the people I read have the most to say when they're depresed. Is that inherently human? Does creativity arise from cribbing? Or is it just a by-product? More precisely, is it necessary to be heart-broken to be creative? Is imagination itricately and inexplicably linked to loss?

Wayyyyy too many questions to be pondering at 4.30 in the night!
G'night blog. See you later.

  You look hot baby!


superwife said...


Mina said...

misery is a great means to produce some quality work. or scrap that: any intense emotion does. love, hate, misery, joy, pain, anger yadda yadda....they make you real; you're in touch with yourself when you're experiencing pure emotion. and then what comes is the REAL DEAL, YA!

Saad F'akhtar said...

but somehow it's always the bad moods which make us work best! good moods tend to produce bright, beautiful, cheerful MUSH!
or maybe it's just me!